KYROS is a complete platform, which integrates satellite, RF and infrared (IR) technologies among others for Healthcare application such us patients location on Hospitals or Senior care centres. The indoor location system is based in non-intrusive bracelets carrying by the patient, as well as a set of receiving antennas. All these elements enable to control and monitor the patients in order to avoid they can get lost or escape; it is also possible to manage and handle the exits, lifts, stairs, corridors…; and at the same time, people are located inside the buildings or facilities.
Besides, KYROS enables to establish performance protocols for each situation, depending on the located patient or its location.
The following figure shows the complete system, formed by the mentioned elements above: RF-IR bracelet, receiving antennas of radio signal, personal computer installed in the retirement home and KYROS server. All these elements working together guarantee information processing and remote access by the users through any internet connection.

Kyros Indoor arquitecture
Patients carry a bracelet that combines technologies, radio frequency and infrared. In the building, bracelet connects to the network of receiving antennas to locate the user inside; if patient tries to leave, the system identifies the patient enters a forbidden area for the user, and it generates the defined alarm. This alarm is received by the assistance personal in the facilities, so they have information about the exact patient location.
Bracelet detection allows activating automatic systems, such as alarms, SMS sending, emails, or any other type of actions in the buildings; for example, doors locking, loudspeakers messages, and activation of other emergency protocols and measures….
In addition to the described bracelet, Deimos offers different location and identification solutions as an alternative: for example, necklaces, cards, key rings, with or without sensors, panic buttons…. Customers have a wide variety of devices, so they can select the most appropriate one, which adapts to the specific patient needs.
The quality and reliability of our solutions provides quietness and calm to the facilities responsible, as well as to the relatives of the monitored patient.
The service pattern provided is ASP Net Web through Internet. Customer needs to install an RF infrastructure inside the facilities, which does not imply a great investment, and it is easily installed. System does not have complicated wiring or conduits because it is based in IR (Infrared) and RF (Radio Frequency). The only requirement for the system is to connect each receiving device to a power source voltage of 220 volts, as well as to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to the servers rack.

Kyros Indoor System Architecture (low level)
Kyros Platform – Location based services for Indoor People Tracking
Deimos commercializes KYROS® application since 2005. It is a management and decisions support on-cloud /web platform, which is able to manage different mobile elements: from bracelets for patients to management of the rest of involved personnel and assets like: vehicles, health personnel, assets and outstanding places (hospital, police stations…).
Moreover Kyros® is able to collect information provided by temporal support devices, which are involved (health personnel, ambulances…). This information is displayed in the system, both in real time and as activity history playback.
The system provides a set of functionalities focused to anticipate customers´ needs in order to satisfy the different requirements in nursing homes, clinics, hospitals… The system will provide an integral system to control and manage people location.
Kyros enables to know patients location, identify each of them, associating their personal data to the protocol action. It also allows defining, receiving alerts and processing them as efficiently and quickly as possible in order to reduce the response times, assuring information flows.
System categorizes and filters information, so information is displayed clearly (in a useful and efficient manner) for the users of the system, depending on the settings. Computer, installed in the facilities, will display all the issued alerts, even if there is no internet connection, while Web Access will offer all information related to the alerts: location, reports…..
Alarms Desktop for customer.
This software is installed in the computer located in the Senior care centre. It enables to manage real-time alarms, and locate them in exact places where they happen inside the buildings.
When an alert occurs, Kyros desktop application receives it and an icon is displayed on the screen. That means the system operator has not processed the alarm yet. Main platform also receives the information to generate a SMS warning to notice the system responsible.
Este programa instalado en el PC de la residencia permite gestionar las alarmas en tiempo real, y conocer la ubicación de las mismas.
Cuando una alerta tiene lugar la aplicación la recibe y la muestra con un icono que indica que dicha alarma no ha sido aun procesada por el operador del sistema. La plataforma principal también recibe dicha información para generar sms de aviso a los responsables del sistema.

Alarms desktop application of Kyros Indoor System
Kyros web Acces
Kyros has a web access ( any register would sing in using the validated user name and password. Kyros shows on the map the real-time location and status of the patients. System also shows if patients are under coverage of the deployed network. Furthermore, it allows knowing if patients are within the configured permitted area, or if they are outside this zone. Depending on the configuration of device, alarm are issued and shown when requires, so the responsible will decide and execute the corrective measures that must be applied in each case.
Application refreshes automatically the data and exact time of update is recorded in the system.
Kyros® enables to view on the map the location of RF bracelets in real time. This feature can be very useful to locate a patient in case of an urgent or critical need.
Several bracelets can be monitored at the same time. It is also possible to activate automatic refresh in the application, so it makes use easier for the user.
Once Kyros® generates or receives any kind of alert that can mean a potentially dangerous situation for the patient, remote control PC sends a notice event that informs about the type of emergency occurred. Kyros receives and processes the alarm within a high priority level, according the following chart:
- Kyros processes the alert and notifies it to the web operator so there is an immediate reaction. It is possible to configure sending of alerts, either via email and/or via SMS.

Kyros tracks the patient indoor position to notify the emergency alert
- The patient alert icon would disappear in the main list of devices and enter in the list of Activated Alarm and/or Activated Emergency.

Kyros receives the Zone Alarm detected by entrance Antena
- System operator starts checking medical history of patient, important diseases, protocol actions,….

Kyros Web operators check patient alert status and alert protocol that he may follow.
User can generate alerts reports using all the stored data in the system. To reach alerts report user may select the dates range to obtain the required information.
Location data reports can be exported to different formats: pdf, excel in order to be analysed according to specific needs. Creation of reports can be configured regularly in the system; reports can be sent to a specified mailbox, and they are usually received in an excel format.
Finally, Kyros provides a monitoring module that allows knowing the status of readers and RFID bracelets; this is possible due to test messages sent to the devices. This module is divided as followed: control responsible of RFID receivers and the tags monitoring module.